Saturday, November 10, 2007

TNA Impact Review (11/8/07)

Ahh, another blog. I wished I would've gotten to do another one sooner, but I really haven't had much to talk about lately. However, I'll just stick to the basic stuff, and do a TNA Impact review for last Thursday's (11/8) edition of TNA Impact. Don't worry, I had a pillow with me lol... just kidding.

Anyway, lets start the review:

Scott Hall arrives at the Impact Zone.

Yeah, TNA's not WCW #2 *rolls eyes*

Kaz vs. Christian Cage (Fight for the Right Finals)

This match was a very good match, and a great opener for a TNA Impact. TNA should take note, and they should open every one of their shows with a match like this. This match had great wrestling, and fast paced action. I guess it just goes to show how great Christian and Kaz actually are. Anyway, the match ended with Kaz getting screwed, and Christian getting the win. However, Matt Morgan came out (he's still here?), and said that while Cornette is gone, he's in charge....

Hold on, how the hell is he in charge, and where did this come from? Once again, TNA doing something that basically makes no sense, and having no backstory what so ever. So, Cornette magically vanished? Sure *rolls eyes*

Anyway, he said that he's making this match a no contest, because of Christian cheating to get the victory. So, how come they don't do this for every match that a wrestler cheats? Well, the only defense for this is I guess to actually make a rematch, and to make it for the title shot, in a bigger match, and in a bigger environment. Other than that, it's not really smart to do this. He made the Kaz/Christian rematch for the upcoming Genesis pay per view, and it's a ladder match.

That's going to a fucking awesome match!!!! Unfortunately, that's the only awesome match for the PPV, which means, I won't be viewing it, unless it ends up on youtube, or every TNA pay per view becomes free lol...

After that, we had a Kurt Angle segment, the first of many of the night.

Just to sum them up in one, basically because they're all the same, they were pretty pointless. Kurt and Nash look like they're in a soap opera, and Karen is the one who basically runs the show. So, since that's the case, it makes Kurt and Nash look like...........well, pussys. Sorry TNA marks, but it does. She looks like she's basically babysitting them, and in a way, she is lol... This actually reminds me of something, hmmm the HHH and Stephanie saga in the WWE, minus the women being the dominant person. So, everyone of them was basically like this, minus Kurt doing one by himself.

Gail Kim vs. Alexis Jade (I think that's her name)

This was a pretty decent women's match. Alexis didn't look like a total jobber, as she got some decent offense in. There were some nice moves, including Gail's finisher, which looks like Finlay's Celtic Cross. Gail wins with that move, and VKM comes out......

VKM is still there? Oh yeah, TNA doesn't want to let them go lol...

They basically said that Gail should worry about losing this Sunday, because they represent Roxxi (not going to try to say the last name), who's in the match with Gail at Genesi. Gail turns around, and Roxxi plants Gail with a dominator, which was very nicely done. Then, Angel Williams comes out, and plants Roxxi with a powerbomb. After that, ODB comes out, and plants her with a Fall Away Slam. Then, Gail comes back, and hits a Missile Dropkick on ODB. Gail stands tall, holding the belt high.

This women's fatal four way at Genesis has the potential to be good, but that's about it.

After that, we had a AJ/Tomko/Christian promo, which was actually not bad. AJ has gotten better on the mic, by basically acting like a nut. Tomko, continues to be boring as usual. AJ challenges Scott Steiner to an amateur wrestling take down challenge. Ummmm, crap lol...

Team 3D vs. Jay Lethal and Abyss

This was an okay tag team match, with 3D dominating most of it. Once Abyss and Lethal were dominating, Black Reign (Basically, a black Goldust) comes out, and attacks Abyss. One comes to wonder why there wasn't a bell being rung. Abyss was being attacked by a wrestler who's not in the match, and the referee basically does nothing. Guess he was asleep, but then again, most people probably were lol...

Lethal tries to come back at the end, and does a decent job, but Team 3D cheat with a low blow, and then use the 3D for the win. That basically made Team 3D look weak by having to cheat to beat one person, and that one person being Lethal. After the match, they basically beat Lethal up on a table, with belts. The Motor City Machine Guns came out to save Lethal, and did some nice Enziguris on Team 3D. At Genesis, it will be Team 3D vs. the Motor City Machine Guns.

It looks like TNA is trying to bury the X-Division, which is probably the second dumbest thing they could do (the 1st was signing Pacman Jones). The X-Division basically is what made TNA famous, not anything else. Not the former WWE/WCW/ECW stars trying to make a break in wrestling because WWE wouldn't take them, it was the X-Division. If TNA actually does bury the X-Division, and gets rid of it, then I really don't see how anyone can support TNA, I really don't.

AJ Styles vs. Scott Steiner (Takedown challenge)

One world describes this: boring. I'm sorry, but there's not much to say here, because this was basically a waste.

Main Event: Six Man Tag Team Match:

Kurt Angle, James Storm, and Robert Roode vs. Samoa Joe, Sting, and Eric Young

This was an okay six man tag team match. Everyone got equal offense in, but there was a really nothing memorable in this match, which is really sad, considering most of TNA's top stars were in the this match (minus Young, Roode, and Storm). Then, we have the ending of this Impact:

Scott Hall/Kevin Nash Promo

Anyone who defends TNA by saying they're not even close to being another WCW should just stop wasting their energy. This is basically almost a reincarnation of 1999/2000 WCW, which is not good for TNA. Actually, I have one thing to point out:

I'm guessing these people in the audience are robots, because they basically chant 'TNA' or 'This is awesome' for no god damn reason. By the way, TNA marks, don't try to tell me that TNA doesn't edit chants, or use canned cheers/boos, because the pay per views basically say otherwise, besides the wasteful 'TNA' or 'This is awesome' chants. Example of this, for this Impact:

- Alexis puts a boot to Gail Kim's throat. Audience chants: This is Awesome!!!

- Kaz goes to the top rope. Audience chants: This is Awesome!!!

So, a boot to the throat, and going on the top rope is fucking awesome? Sure, whatever *roll eyes*. Either TNA's sound team are dumbasses, or the fans are just mindless.

Anyway, back to the promo:

Honestly, you might need a pillow for this. Basically, Hall says he's not Sting's partner, Angle comes out, then Sting. Sting comes out, and nothing is said, but West and Tenay's babble on how we should order the pay per view. Honestly, I'm starting to feel that while watching TNA, you're also watching a complete advertisement. Seriously, let the action speak for itself.

Bottom line: The only good thing of the night, which also stopped this show from being a complete dud, was the first match. It was a very good match, and it had very good time. If that match didn't happen, this show would've been a complete dud.

Anyway, that's my review, be sure to let me know how you feel. Until next time.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Review of WWE Cyber Sunday

Well, some people have been waiting for this, so here it is, my review of WWE's last pay per view: Cyber Sunday. For me, it was more special than the others. Why you ask, well, I was there, live. I love going to wrestling events live, it makes it more fun to watch. The atmosphere is awesome, at any type of wrestling event. In my opinion, that electric atmosphere is more prominent at wrestling events than any other kind of sporting event out there. I've been to baseball, football, basketball, and even soccer events, and the atmosphere doesn't even come close to a wrestling event of any kind. Anyway, I'm rambling on, so lets get on with the review, shall we?:

BTW, I wore my JBL shirt, which pisses a lot of 'marks' off lol...

I went with my brother, who's a huge fan as well. Finding parking was really crappy, as it always is in downtown Washington D.C.. I think it took about 10-15 minutes before actually finding a spot. Once we did, we raced to the Verizon Center, and got inside pretty quickly. I was actually surprised that we did. All the lines were filled up, food/drink, merchendise, etc... A reminder to everyone, I would eat before you go to a wrestling event, that way, you don't have to worry about standing in those long lines just to get a damn hot dog lol.. Also, in most places I've been to, the prices are really expensive. So, once we got into the building, we headed for our seats. Our seats were awesome, they were almost on the floor, straight across from the titan tron. We sat down, and waited for the show to start. Unlike most WWE events I've been to, there wasn't many Ric Flair 'Woooo' chants. Anyway, about 5 mins after we got to our seats, the ring announcer Justin Roberts (IMO, not that good), announced that we were going to see a bonus match. I got excited, because usually bonus matches are good. However, that was not the case:

Bonus Match

Duece and Domino vs. Jesse and Festus

In my opinion, this match had the potential to be a decent tag team brawl type match. However, it was not like that at all. This match only last like a minute and a half, almost 2 minutes. I'm sorry, but that's extremely too short for a tag match. Jesse tagged out, and Festus came in. Once that happened, he crushed both Duece and Domino, and then he tagged out. Once that happened, they did their double team move, where he throws Jesse onto the opponent. Then, that was it, the match was over. Not a good match at all, and if it did do something, then I guess it got the crowd ready for the show:

Match Rating: 1/2*

The pay per view started, and we were underway. The ring crew were bringing out a stretcher, and a shellagh (can't spell it) on a pole, so that gave away that Mysterio and Finlay were up first. The fans voted for a Stretcher match (which I liked), and so here we go, the 'first' match of the night:

Rey Mysterio vs. Finlay (Stretcher Match)

This was a pretty good opening match. Even though some people have said otherwise, I personally thought both men have equal offense, throughout the match. I guess maybe Finlay dominated a bit more, but that's what most wrestlers do when they face Mysterio, seeing as how he's really small. There were a few nice spots, especially Mysterio's senton onto Finlay, who was on the stretcher. A funny part in the match was when a camera cord got caught on one of the stretcher wheels. When that happened, and the stretcher jerked, people laughed. As a matter of fact, that bit is on Botchmania 30, which is a popular thing for wrestling fans on youtube. Check it out if you have a chance. Anyway, Mysterio won, with a sudden ending, which I actually liked, because it was out of nowhere:

Match Rating: **3/4

Then, the round of WWE Divas in their Halloween Costumes started. I'm just going to review this now, so I would have to keep repeating when they came on. Victoria's was funny, Mickies was good, Jillian's was extremely funny, and Melina's was good. The rest weren't good at all, and Kelly's and Torrie's were the worst of them all. Then, the ECW title match was next, and the Miz was voted as Punk's opponent. Yeah, I'm not making it up. I was like 'WTF?':

CM Punk vs. The Miz (ECW World Title)

This was a better match than I thought it would be, honestly. Miz isn't that great at all, but with Punk in there, it made Miz look a little better, and to be quite honest, Miz has improved since starting in WWE, but of course, that's just my opinion. Anyway, there were a few botches in this match, which was really noticeable, but I won't harp on this too much, because they just happen, even with the grestest wrestlers. I heard someone say that they saw Miz actually talking during the match, which is what most wrestlers do to communicate, but most hide it very well. If that's the case (I didn't see it, because I was there lol..), then he really needs to work on that. CM Punk beats Miz with his GTS finisher:

Match Rating: **

After that match, they showed that HBK was voted to be Orton's opponent later that night for the WWE title. Which, apparently meant that Kennedy and Hardy were going to fight. Yay, another bonus match lol..., even though I had a feeling beforehand that something like that would happen.

Mr. Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy

I can't really rate this match to be honest, and here's why:

Whenever my brother and I go to WWE pay per views, we have to buy the event shirts. So, we decided to go during a match that we didn't care for, and to be honest, it was the Kennedy/Hardy match. Don't get me wrong, Kennedy is one of my favorites, and even though I don't care for Hardy, there are much worse than him, and he can occasionally put on great matches. The reason I'm saying that I didn't care for it, is because I've seen it enough times already. I believe they've already faced each other on Raw, twice. Anyway, back to the story:

We went out to get our shirts, and maybe a soda. Then, all of a sudden, we see a small group of people. Usually, that means something is going on. Apparently, Ron Simmons was walking around out there, and shaking people's hands, and having pictures taken. I always love meeting wrestlers, no matter who it is. My brother and I were shocked, to say the least, because he's Ron Simmons, a famous wrestler, just walking around the arena. So anyway, long story short, we both got to meet Ron, and shake his hand (by the way, he's really huge in person). I had my brother take a picture of me with him. He loved my JBL shirt, or at least, I think he did, and I asked him if JBL and him were still friends. He said, 'Oh yeah, me and him are best friends.' Of course, there were more things I wanted to ask, but he was busy, and usually when I meet wrestlers, I get tongue-tied. Honestly, that pisses me off, because I would like to talk to some of these wrestlers, normally. Once he left, we got our shirts, and a coke. My brother then said, "aren't you glad we went to get them during that match?" I went, "Hell yeah, that was awesome." While I was buying my shirt, Kennedy's music played, so I assumed he won, which he did. Don't worry, I saw a bit of the match on the DVD I recorded at home. Unfortunately, the DVD clock at my home was an hour behind, so I missed almost an hour of the PPV, including half of the Kennedy/Hardy match. So, I'm basing my rating on what others have said, and from the bit that I saw:

Match Rating: **3/4

After that match, Mick Foley was supposed to have a promo, but it was interrupted by JBL, who once again, proved he was funny. He said his video was going to be 'fair and balanced', which was funny because it was a spoof off of the Fox News Channel's slogan, which isn't true, but that's another story, for another blog. Then, that clip that was basically a campaign video for JBL that was shown on Smackdown was shown again. It was really funny to, even though I've already seen it. Then, after that Mick Foley did a pretty decent rebuttal to JBL.

After that, MVP's match was coming up next. Earlier in the night, it was shown that Matt Hardy can't compete tonight, because of an injury he suffered on Smackdown. I remember him being busted open on Smackdown, but I never thought it was that bad. When they showed him that night, talking with MVP, he looked like he was completely messed up. I don't know if was just make up by the WWE make-up artists, but if it was, they did a great job making Matt looked like he was really screwed up. Then, he said MVP was going to defend the US title against either Kane, Mark Henry, or Great Khali. MVP, of course, was pissed, and left. So, now we found out that Kane was voted to face MVP. However, I'm wondering if people were actually voting on, while watching the PPV. This might have been rigged, because it was really last minute, but I guess we'll never know:

Kane vs. MVP (United States title)

Honestly, this match could've been a lot better. However, there were moments when momentum was being built, but then it was stopped dead cold in it's tracks. It had a count out finish, which wasn't good for this match. Kane won by count out, due to MVP not wanting to use full strength to get back into the ring. I agree with most people, this was the worst match of the night, on the pay per view, because in my opinion, the bonus match was a lot worse than this one:

Match Rating: *3/4

Randy Orton vs. Shawn Michaels (WWE Championship)

I was surprised that this was before the HHH match, of course, I'm sure some other aren't lol... Anyway, this match was really good, despite the crappy ending, even though my section loved the ending, and my brother marked out for Orton (just to be funny). HBK was working on Orton's arm most of the match, which really isn't like HBK, especially at this point in his career. There was also a couple of good spots in the match, like Orton's back suplex to HBK on the black guard rail outside the ring. HBK won the match, due to Orton blantantly low blowing HBK. Once again, this was a very good match, and the ending shouldn't take that away from it:

Match Rating: ***1/2

After the match, Orton tried to kick HBK in the head, but HBK jumped up, and Superkicked him. I saw Shawn perk his head up a bit, and look towards Orton, waiting for the spot. I thought that was kind of funny.

After the match, the results for the HHH/Umaga match were displayed. A Street Fight got the most votes. Most fans in the arena, including my brother and I, were shocked. When I came into the arena, I saw the Steel Cage hanging above the ring. It was awesome, because I've never seen a Steel Cage match in person, and here was my chance to see one, and others as well who haven't. I will never understand why people wanted a Street Fight more than a Steel Cage, and if someone can explain why, then I would love to hear it:

Triple H vs. Umaga (Street Fight)

Like the last match, this was a very good match. There was lots of brawling, even through the crowd. They didn't stay in the crowd too long, which was good, because honestly, if you're going to do a crowd brawl, you don't want to make it too long, unless there's a point to it to making it long, or unless there's going to be a very good spot. Almost near the beginning of the match, there was a nice spot where HHH dove at Umaga, and both went through part of the Cyber Sunday titan tron. I thought that was cool, especially from my vantage point, because you couldn't see either of them. Throughout the match, there was lots of nice brawling, with both men having equal offense, in my opinion, and a great spot with Umaga splashing HHH through a table. HHH won with a sledgehammer to the face, and then a Pedigree, which made Umaga look strong.

Match Rating: ***3/4

Then, after that match, it was time to find out who was going to be the special guest referee for the Taker/Batista match (either Austin, JBL, or Foley). When Grisham was about to announce who it was going to be, JBL interrupted. Once again, JBL cut a great promo, and while he was doing his 'wrestling god' saying, Foley's music hit. To my surprised, Foley barely got a reaction at all. He came out, and started arguing with JBL, without a mic, so no one could hear it. The results were announced, and Stone Cold won by a landslide. JBL was pissed off, and attacked Foley viscously. My brother and I marked out, because we're both huge fans of JBL. Then, Stone Cold's music hit, and the place came apart. I was still excited to see Stone Cold, because he's one of my favorites, and this was the first time I ever saw him live, in person. He came out, and stunned Foley, to no one's surprise. Then, something shocking happened:

JBL gave Stone Cold the Clothesline From Hell!!!!

Why was I shocked? Simple, I knew JBL was setting it up, but I figured Stone Cold would duck, because now a days, he usually doesn't get hit with anything that much, and rightly so, as he's not 100%. When JBL hit it, most of my section came unglued. I started yelling, and chanting 'JBL!.' My brother did as well, and he usually doesn't make any noise at events, which shows you how excited he was. Then, JBL started to pummel Stone Cold. He gave him the finger, and stomped a mudhole in his ass, so to speak. In the end, JBL went for another CFH, but Stone Cold stunned him, and that was the end for JBL. Then, Jerry Lawler went over to Michael Cole, to take JBL's place for the night. Stone Cold's music hit, and he was getting a great reaction. Then all of a sudden, Undertaker's music hit:

I'm sorry, but if you've never seen Taker's entrance in person, then you don't know what you're missing. It's a great experience seeing it on TV, but it's nothing compared to seeing it in person. Taker came out, and got into the ring. Taker was face to face with Stone Cold, which to anyone who watched the Attitude Era, was a very exciting thing to see. Then, Batista's music hit, which I'm sure to some people, turned out to be a sort of a buzz killer. He got a really good reaction, but seeing as it's his hometown, I wasn't surprised:

Batista vs. Undertaker (World Heavyweight Championship)

I agree with the majority, Batista wrestles a lot better when he faces Undertaker. I guess it shows how great Undertaker actually is, but that's just my opinion. Honestly, this was a very good match, but I personally thought their Wrestlemania match was better. There wasn't many spots in the match, but Batista did a lot of pin covers in the match, which wasn't normal for him. Almost after every big move he did, he went for a cover. That basically told the story that he was really determined to beat Undertaker. Batista beat Undertaker, after two Batista bombs. I personally wanted Undertaker to win, but if he had to lose, then I'm glad it happened that way, and it did make sense. It made Undertaker look strong, and it didn't make Batista look like a wimp. Now their series is tied up, and they will eventually have a rubber match:

Match Rating: ***3/4

Overall PPV Grade: B -

Overall, I thought this PPV was really good. I was disappointed at the end, because Stone Cold didn't attack either Batista, or Taker, like he usually does. He basically handed Batista the belt, and left. That was really disappointing to my brother and I, but even so, this was a very good PPV. I also personally thought this was slightly better than TNA's Bound For Glory. I give that a C +. If anyone wants to know why, let me know, and I might do another blog about it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my review, and my first blog. Thanks for reading, and have a good one.
